CINSYR | Creative design agency Syracuse, New York | Starbird Yard Food Hall and Bar Sandusky Ohio brand identity logo in white


At the former site of Cardinal Grocery comes the highly anticipated food hall concept, Starbird Yard. It will provide the local beach community of Sandusky, OH a place to entertain, chill, and enjoy the sunset.


Together, we create branding you can’t ignore.

CINSYR | Creative design agency Syracuse, New York | Starbird Yard Food Hall Sandusky, Ohio brand identity mockup brand sign outside rotating between different color palettes
CINSYR | Creative design agency Syracuse, New York | Starbird Yard Food Hall Sandusky, Ohio brand identity a man wearing a t-shirt with the blue palette striped down from the neck of the shirt and the bird icon printed in the middle of his chest
CINSYR | Creative design agency Syracuse, New York | Starbird Yard Food Hall Sandusky, Ohio brand identity mock shirt black tank top on a woman that shows the brands logo
CINSYR | Creative design agency Syracuse, New York | Starbird Yard Food Hall Sandusky, Ohio brand identity textured logo pattern with rips and tears
CINSYR | Creative design agency Syracuse, New York | Starbird Yard Food Hall Sandusky, Ohio brand identity starbird yard logo in white on the front of a black and navy blue hat on a wooden table
CINSYR | Creative design agency Syracuse, New York | Starbird Yard Food Hall Sandusky, Ohio brand identity gray hat with the starbird yard logo embroidered on the side
CINSYR | Creative design agency Syracuse, New York | Starbird Yard Food Hall Sandusky, Ohio brand identity gray hat with starbird yard patch stitched in the front of the hat
CINSYR | Creative design agency Syracuse, New York | Starbird Yard Food Hall Sandusky, Ohio brand identity zip up hoodie in a charcoal gray color with the brands bird icon printed large in a yellow and sandusky ohio running angled up the birds back
CINSYR | Creative design agency Syracuse, New York | Starbird Yard Food Hall Sandusky, Ohio brand identity top down look at two branded coasters one with a warm color palette and one with a cool blue tone color palette with a wine glass on top of it

Trust the process.

CINSYR | Creative design agency Syracuse, New York | Starbird Yard Food Hall Sandusky, Ohio brand identity a slideshow of the starbird yard brand guidelines
CINSYR | Creative design agency Syracuse, New York | Starbird Yard Food Hall Sandusky, Ohio brand identity logo exploration of various layouts for starbird yard logo as sketches
CINSYR | Creative design agency Syracuse, New York | Starbird Yard Food Hall Sandusky, Ohio brand identity more logo exploration for starbird yard logo as sketches
CINSYR | Creative design agency Syracuse, New York | Starbird Yard Food Hall Sandusky, Ohio brand identity more logo expolartion for starbird yard as sketches
CINSYR | Creative design agency Syracuse, New York | Starbird Yard Food Hall Sandusky, Ohio brand identity logo cardinal icon sketched with proportional angles
CINSYR | Creative design agency Syracuse, New York | Starbird Yard Food Hall Sandusky, Ohio brand identity starbird yard information notes written on an ipad