Located in the historical market of Hammana, Lebanon; you won’t find better shawarma this side of the Mediterranean.


CINSYR | Creative design agency Syracuse, New York | Al Hammani restaurant design brand identity logo with shades of blue hatched decorative background

Together, we create branding you can’t ignore.

CINSYR | Creative design agency Syracuse, New York | Al Hammani brand identity and strategy logo icon used on a wrap folded around a loaf of bread and logo being used on a dark blue hat
CINSYR | Creative design agency Syracuse, New York | Al Hammani brand identity logo circle lockup on a dark blue background next to pattern made from brand icon
CINSYR | Creative design agency Syracuse, New York | Al Hammani man cooking at the restaurant
CINSYR | Creative design agency Syracuse, New York | Al Hammani spatial inside restaurant six top table set up
CINSYR | Creative design agency Syracuse, New York | Al Hammani spatial restaurant floor tiling eith elaborate patterns and an assortment of food arranged in a circle
CINSYR | Creative design agency Syracuse, New York | Al Hammani brand identity logo in circle lockup hung on balcony
CINSYR | Creative design agency Syracuse, New York | Al Hammani spatial strategy overhead view of 3d rendering for inside of the restaurant
CINSYR | Creative design agency Syracuse, New York | Al Hammani brand identity man standing on balcony with al hammani logo circle lockup hung on the railing in front of him
CINSYR | Creative design agency Syracuse, New York | Al Hammani brand identity logo icon shown in dark blue on a white background and in white on a light blue background